VEIT technology for day-old chicks in Mexico

Two special chassis of favourite American brand Kenworth have come a long way. They started in Mexico where they had been produced and from where they made a trip to Europe, to our company in Moravany. Here they gained quite important improvement: isothermal body with VEIT technology which makes them perfectly able to transport day-old chicks – securely, comfortably and at low cost. Completed trucks (so similar that we call them twins) took their ship back to Mexico in August. We wish the trucks long life, their passengers first class travel and their owner – Avicola San Andrés Co. – absolute satisfaction with VEIT vehicles.


Kenworth chassis


Completed truck for day-old chick transport


Twin-trucks made for Avicola San Andrés




Boarding a cargo ship


To the "New world"

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Sorting poultry into weight groups has never been easier or faster, thanks to the BAT1 Sorting Machine.

As summer approaches, the reliability of poultry transport becomes more crucial than ever.

High demand has stretched our production and we are actively expanding and enhancing our capabilities to meet your needs more effectively.

Meet us at IPPE 2023 in Atlanta

A testimonial from our customer that speaks for itself.

Summer temperatures are putting day-old chick transport vehicles to the test.

Accurate weighing has never been easier.